Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hi and welcome to the new blog! Have you ever found yourself trying to buy a good laptop computer for a college student? Are you a university student trying to find the best laptop for the (relatively small) amount of money you want to spend? Well then the tips and advice in this blog can help you.

I've spent a lot of time researching laptops online and offline, both for myself (when I was in school) and for friends and family. I know very well how frustrating it can be to try to sift through all the information out there regarding notebook computers. There are simply so many brands, models, features, and types of laptops it's mind-boggling.

But the good news is that now, in 2011, you can get a truly amazing portable computer for a lot less money than you could just a couple of years ago. These days the $500 Toshiba and Acer laptops are as good or better than the the $2000 Sony models from 2 or 3 years ago. So you really don't need to spend a whole lot of money when it comes to buying a good computer for a college student.

I'm currently assisting on a new blog that's all about finding and buying the best college student laptops available on the market. You can check it out here:

That's where you'll be able to find my top-notch advice articles. This blog will be mainly used to support that primary site and to also provide little tidbits of laptop knowledge as well. I really hope you find both websites useful. Look out in the next couple of days for a highly-detailed student laptop buying guide. I'll definitely post the link as soon as it's up.

Thanks for visiting. Please leave any laptop buying tips, reviews, or other feedback in the "comments" sections on every page!

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